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Here you will find all the answers to questions you may have about PA LIVE?

What is PA LIVE?

LIVE PA, distribute home for "free" items related to the daily bread, pastry and confectionery, saving you time and travel. Taking also his favorite magazine or newspaper or other related products that you would make a foul.

How are your orders?.

Vostè ens indica una hora de lliurament, nosaltres instal · larem "sense cost per a vostè", el nostre Bústia Panera. No cal que estigui a casa. Podrà recollir el seu producte quan vulgui còmodament.

Do I have to pay for installation of Box?

NOTHING IS "FREE". Installation, maintenance and cost of the box is provided by Panera-PA directly. You just tell us where you want it, I installed and can now enjoy the convenience of receiving our products, without moving anywhere.

How and where do my orders?

You choose the product that you are interested in our wide selection, and indicates the frequency. But relax! we offer different media (SMS, WhatsApp, Email, or a simple phone call) and may modify, extend or delete your order for the next day or any other day. We fix their billing adjusting any changes to your order.

Do I have to pay for transportation?

NOTHING IS "FREE". Installation, maintenance and cost of the box is provided by Panera-PA directly. You just tell us where you want it, I installed it and now I can enjoy the convenience of receiving our products, without moving anywhere.

Is there a minimum order?

We adjust to your needs, do not require any minimum. You may be asking your orders based on consumption. Simply communicating any changes through the various media that we put at your fingertips.









¿I live ... I enjoy the services LIVE PA?









Distribute each morning (Woods Tarragona, Vilaseca, La Pineda, Salou, Reus, Cambrils VILAFORTUNY) But tell us where you live, and we will evaluate the possibility of bringing our products to your home.

When will paid orders?

PA LIVE, we give two options to pay your order:
- daily
Along with your order, we will provide a detailed delivery note duly informed of their consumption.
Our sales report on how to make payment.









We take your favorite newspaper or magazine every day, with a surcharge of € 0.40!


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